Making Goodluck Charm

Making Goodluck Charm

Good luck charm is a charm that is believed to bring good luck. An example of this is a blessing that a minister or a priest gives at the end of a ceremony. Later on, people assumed that spoken words were temporary whereas a solid object is more permanent. Objects that have extraordinary significance such as the splinter believed to be from the cross of Jesus Christ were substituted for the original spoken or sung charms.

Lucky Four Leaf Clover Charms

Four-leaf clovers are an ancient Irish symbol of luck. The Celts believed that a four-leaf clover could help them see fairies and avoid their mischief, which was believed to be a common source of bad luck. The four leaves were supposed to have mystical powers representing faith, hope, love, and luck. Another legend has them standing for fame, wealth, health and faithful love. There are many variations of clover that have four leaves as a matter of course, but the lucky ones come from the white clover plant, also called Trifolium repens. True four-leaf clovers are rare, with only about one in 10,000 plants carrying the lucky leaves. A Scientific America video on finding four-leaf clovers offers proven ways to improve your odds. To know you’ve found a true four-leaf clover, look out for one leaflet that is smaller than the other three. If all four leaflets are the same size, you are probably looking at the wrong variety of clover. If you’d like to have a four-leafed lucky charm, you don’t have to spend a lot of time trekking through fields of clover. There are a lot of fun crafts that let you make them yourself. Check out four-leaf clover crafts on Pinterest for tons of inspiration.